VCS Lottery FAQ
How do I apply for Vision Charter School?
A lottery application must be completed and submitted to Vision Charter School for all students interested in attending Vision Charter. Applications are submitted electronically via an online enrollment.
Apply here.
The State of Idaho requires that your child be 5 years old by September 1st of the year they start kindergarten (please refer to Idaho Code Statute 33-201). Proof of birth date is required prior to enrolling.
When can I apply?
Vision Charter School is accepting applications NOW for the 2025-2026 school year. The application window closes the Friday, April 4, 2025 at 4PM. A lottery application received after the deadline will be placed at the bottom of the waiting list in the order it is received.
When is the application deadline?
The deadline is Friday, APRIL 4, 2025 at 4:00PM. Apply here.
When is the lottery happening?
The 2025-26 lottery drawing will happen on Friday, April 11, 2025 at 9:00AM at Vision
Charter School in room 130. Applications are due by Friday, April 4, 2025 at 4PM. Apply here.
How does the lottery process work?
Vision Charter School will hold a new lottery each school year to fill any openings for the upcoming school year and to develop a waitlist for each grade level that will be used to fill open spots throughout the school year. The lottery is a random drawing held in a public setting at the location, time, and date identified in the yearly public notice. Grade levels are randomized each year. Preference in the lottery shall be given in the following order: first, to pupils returning to the public charter school. Returning students are automatically enrolled in the appropriate grade and do not need to be selected by a lottery; second, to children of founders and fulltime employees, provided that this admission preference shall be limited to not more than ten percent (10%) of the capacity of the public charter school; third, to siblings of pupils already enrolled in the public charter school; fourth, to students residing within the primary attendance area of Vision charter school; and fifth, students who reside outside of Vision Charter School primary attendance area. After the lottery is completed, Legal guardians will receive written notification with an offer to enroll or identifying the position on the waitlist within seven days after conducting the lottery. If the legal guardian fails to accept an offered seat by the deadline established in the written notification, Vision Charter School shall offer the seat to the next student on the waitlist in the applicable grade level. Once waitlists have been established through the lottery process as described above, subsequent applications will be added to the waitlists on a first come-first serve basis. It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure contact data is updated as well as reapply for the following year. If Vision Charter does not receive a confirmed response to an offer within 24 hours, they will move to the next person on the waitlist.
What is the primary boundary area for VCS?
Galloway Road on the North boundary, in a line East to Kingsbury, then South in a line on Kingsbury to Linden Rd West along Linden Rd to the Caldwell School District Boundary, North along the Caldwell School District Boundary to the Boise River, follow the Boise River West to Old Hwy 30 (this is the existing boundary between the Middleton and Caldwell School Districts), North on Old Hwy 30 to Galloway Rd.
** The VCS boundary map can be found here**
Does Vision Charter School have bussing?
Yes, Vision Charter School offers bussing to students in our primary attendance area, listed above. Bussing is not door-to-door. We offer 1.5 mile drop spots within our primary attendance area. Go to
If I don't reside in your attendance boundary area, can my student still ride a bus to and from school?
No, our bussing is only available for students inside our attendance boundary. If you receive a spot in our lottery, and you live outside our attendance area, your student may still attend Vision Charter School, but you will need to provide your own transportation.
If we don't live within the VCS boundaries can we still apply for the lottery?
Yes, you may still apply to receive a spot at VCS through the lottery! If you do receive a
spot at VCS you will be responsible for your student's transportation to and from school.
Can I schedule a tour of the school?
We do not offer in-person tours of our school as it is a disruption to the daily learning
environment. You are encouraged to find out more about our school by researching our website at and checking us out on Facebook at or on Instagram at
Does my student keep their current lottery number or start over?
There is no carryover from year to year of the waitlist maintained to fill vacancies. Email Mirta Meeks by the application deadline to confirm you would like your child currently on the wait list re-entered into the lottery for the upcoming school year or reapply yearly here. It the responsibility of parents to ensure all contact information is current.
Will I find out if my child receives a spot immediately if I come to watch the lottery?
Lottery results are NEVER announced out loud during the lottery process. You will only be notified within 7 business days by written notification. If it is past 7 business days and you haven't received written notification, you may call the office at 208-455-9220 ext 325. It the responsibility of parents to ensure updated contact information is on file.
Does filling out a lottery application earlier increase my chances of getting my student into Vision Charter School?
No. The lottery is a random drawing and turning in your application in January doesn't give you more of an advantage with your chances than if you filled out your application by the application deadline posted in the yearly notice. The 2025-2026 deadline for applications is Friday, APRIL 4, 2025 at 4:00PM.
If I have one child that goes to Vision already, do I have to fill out an application for my other child who will go to Kindergarten starting in 2025-2026 school year?
YES! You have to fill out an application by the lottery enrollment date of Friday, April 4, 2024 at 4PM.
After browsing your website about the lottery process who should I contact if I have additional questions about your school?
You may email Aurelia Warth and she will be happy to respond to your inquiry within 48 hours.
Can I attend the lottery drawing?
Of course! The lottery drawing is open to the public, however no results are given out loud at any time. The lottery drawing will last approximately 6 hours. All results, regardless of if you are offered a spot, will be sent via written notification within 7 business days of the lottery completion.
What happens to applications received after the application deadline?
Applications submitted after the application deadline will be placed at the bottom of the current wait list for each grade level.
Does Vision Charter School cost money to attend?
Vision Charter School is a public school and does not charge tuition.
Does Vision Charter School offer the school lunch?
Yes, Vision Charter school offers the federal free & reduced breakfast and lunch program. Go to for more information.
What is the focus of Vision Charter School?
Our mission is to create well-educated, respectful citizen leaders in a K-12 College Prep Science and Art focused school. Vision Charter School will implement and maintain the following key design elements including focus on Arts, Science, Character and Leadership Development, providing a small school environment, music training, second language exposure and opportunities, and an enriched curriculum for all students and at the high school level, advanced or college credit level courses will be available for all core subjects. Find out more
Can you tell me about Vision Charter School Academic Achievements?
Vision Charter School has earned the designation from the state of Idaho as a “Top Performer” for ranking in the top 10th percentile of the state on key performance indicators and “Goal Maker” for meeting and exceeding annual interim state progress targets. Go to to learn more about the school’s academic progress.
Do you offer extra-curricular activities or sports at the High School Level?
At the high school level, Vision Charter School offers a variety of extra-curricular activities, including E-sports, robotics, drama, musical and literary theater, National Honor Society, Student Government, yearbook, and sports. We offer competitive girls and boys basketball, volleyball, baseball, softball, and cross country. In addition, we offer intramural Tennis, Flag Football, and Spirit Squad. In the area of music, we offer choir, band, orchestra, jazz band, and pep band.
Does Vision Charter School offer college credits during High School?
Vision Charter students earned an average of 54 college credits during their high school years, with 30% of the class of 2024 graduating with either a one-year Academic Certificate or a two-year Associate’s Degree from CWI. Our school offers over 70 college credits.
Eligible students have the opportunity to earn two years’ worth of college credits by the time they graduate using Advanced Opportunities*. It is definitely challenging work to achieve a one-year or two-year college degree or CTE certification while in high school; however, Vision Charter works to remove barriers to help students achieve their dreams and to make the pathway achievable.
Applications are due Friday, April 4, 2025 at 4PM. Apply here.
We are a FREE K-12 college-preparatory science and art school where high school students can earn college credits without ever leaving the campus. Thanks to our accelerated curriculum, eligible students can graduate from high school with the equivalent of two years of college completed using Idaho's Advanced Opportunities Funds**!!!!
We emphasize science, art, music, character and leadership education, safe & small school culture, advanced curriculum, and study in a second language. We begin accelerating our students in our FREE full day kindergarten program.
Vision Charter School will hold its lottery for enrollment for the 2025-2026 school year beginning at 9:00AM on Friday, April 11, 2025, located in room 130 at 19291 Ward Road, Caldwell, Idaho 83605. Electronic applications may be found here.
Completed electronic applications must be submitted by Friday, April 4, 2025, at 4PM. Applications submitted after Friday, April 4, 2025 at 4PM will be placed into the lottery for the following year and at the bottom of the waitlist for each grade level in the order in which they are received.
All prospective students will be given the opportunity to enroll in Vision Charter School, regardless of race, color, national origin, ethnicity, religion, gender, social or economic status, or special needs.
VISION CHARTER SCHOOL ahora acepta solicitudes de inscripción para el año escolar 2025-2026.
Vision Charter School realizará su lotería de inscripción para el comienzo del año escolar 2025-2026 a las 9:00AM del viernes 11 de abril de 2025, ubicado en la sala 130 en 19291 Ward Road, Caldwell, Idaho- 83605. Las solicitudes electrónicas se pueden encontrar aquí.
Las solicitudes electrónicas completas deben enviarse antes del viernes 4 de abril de 2025 a las 4PM Solicitudes enviadas después del viernes 4 de abril de 2025 a las 4PM serán colocados en la lotería para el año siguiente y al final de la lista de espera para cada nivel de grado en el orden en que se reciban.
Todos los futuros estudiantes tendrán la oportunidad de inscribirse en la escuela pública autónoma GRATUITA, independientemente de su raza, color, origen nacional, etnia, religión, género, condición social o económica o necesidades especiales.
Parents will receive written notification within seven business days after the lottery, informing them about whether their child secured a spot at Vision Charter for the 2025-2026 school year or their position on the waitlist.
A lottery application must be completed and submitted to Vision Charter School for all students interested in attending Vision Charter. Applications are submitted electronically via an online enrollment.
Apply here.
The State of Idaho requires that your child be 5 years old by September 1st of the year they start kindergarten (please refer to Idaho Code Statute 33-201). Proof of birth date is required prior to enrolling.
When can I apply?
Vision Charter School is accepting applications NOW for the 2025-2026 school year. The application window closes the Friday, April 4, 2025 at 4PM. A lottery application received after the deadline will be placed at the bottom of the waiting list in the order it is received.
When is the application deadline?
The deadline is Friday, APRIL 4, 2025 at 4:00PM. Apply here.
When is the lottery happening?
The 2025-26 lottery drawing will happen on Friday, April 11, 2025 at 9:00AM at Vision
Charter School in room 130. Applications are due by Friday, April 4, 2025 at 4PM. Apply here.
How does the lottery process work?
Vision Charter School will hold a new lottery each school year to fill any openings for the upcoming school year and to develop a waitlist for each grade level that will be used to fill open spots throughout the school year. The lottery is a random drawing held in a public setting at the location, time, and date identified in the yearly public notice. Grade levels are randomized each year. Preference in the lottery shall be given in the following order: first, to pupils returning to the public charter school. Returning students are automatically enrolled in the appropriate grade and do not need to be selected by a lottery; second, to children of founders and fulltime employees, provided that this admission preference shall be limited to not more than ten percent (10%) of the capacity of the public charter school; third, to siblings of pupils already enrolled in the public charter school; fourth, to students residing within the primary attendance area of Vision charter school; and fifth, students who reside outside of Vision Charter School primary attendance area. After the lottery is completed, Legal guardians will receive written notification with an offer to enroll or identifying the position on the waitlist within seven days after conducting the lottery. If the legal guardian fails to accept an offered seat by the deadline established in the written notification, Vision Charter School shall offer the seat to the next student on the waitlist in the applicable grade level. Once waitlists have been established through the lottery process as described above, subsequent applications will be added to the waitlists on a first come-first serve basis. It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure contact data is updated as well as reapply for the following year. If Vision Charter does not receive a confirmed response to an offer within 24 hours, they will move to the next person on the waitlist.
What is the primary boundary area for VCS?
Galloway Road on the North boundary, in a line East to Kingsbury, then South in a line on Kingsbury to Linden Rd West along Linden Rd to the Caldwell School District Boundary, North along the Caldwell School District Boundary to the Boise River, follow the Boise River West to Old Hwy 30 (this is the existing boundary between the Middleton and Caldwell School Districts), North on Old Hwy 30 to Galloway Rd.
** The VCS boundary map can be found here**
Does Vision Charter School have bussing?
Yes, Vision Charter School offers bussing to students in our primary attendance area, listed above. Bussing is not door-to-door. We offer 1.5 mile drop spots within our primary attendance area. Go to
If I don't reside in your attendance boundary area, can my student still ride a bus to and from school?
No, our bussing is only available for students inside our attendance boundary. If you receive a spot in our lottery, and you live outside our attendance area, your student may still attend Vision Charter School, but you will need to provide your own transportation.
If we don't live within the VCS boundaries can we still apply for the lottery?
Yes, you may still apply to receive a spot at VCS through the lottery! If you do receive a
spot at VCS you will be responsible for your student's transportation to and from school.
Can I schedule a tour of the school?
We do not offer in-person tours of our school as it is a disruption to the daily learning
environment. You are encouraged to find out more about our school by researching our website at and checking us out on Facebook at or on Instagram at
Does my student keep their current lottery number or start over?
There is no carryover from year to year of the waitlist maintained to fill vacancies. Email Mirta Meeks by the application deadline to confirm you would like your child currently on the wait list re-entered into the lottery for the upcoming school year or reapply yearly here. It the responsibility of parents to ensure all contact information is current.
Will I find out if my child receives a spot immediately if I come to watch the lottery?
Lottery results are NEVER announced out loud during the lottery process. You will only be notified within 7 business days by written notification. If it is past 7 business days and you haven't received written notification, you may call the office at 208-455-9220 ext 325. It the responsibility of parents to ensure updated contact information is on file.
Does filling out a lottery application earlier increase my chances of getting my student into Vision Charter School?
No. The lottery is a random drawing and turning in your application in January doesn't give you more of an advantage with your chances than if you filled out your application by the application deadline posted in the yearly notice. The 2025-2026 deadline for applications is Friday, APRIL 4, 2025 at 4:00PM.
If I have one child that goes to Vision already, do I have to fill out an application for my other child who will go to Kindergarten starting in 2025-2026 school year?
YES! You have to fill out an application by the lottery enrollment date of Friday, April 4, 2024 at 4PM.
After browsing your website about the lottery process who should I contact if I have additional questions about your school?
You may email Aurelia Warth and she will be happy to respond to your inquiry within 48 hours.
Can I attend the lottery drawing?
Of course! The lottery drawing is open to the public, however no results are given out loud at any time. The lottery drawing will last approximately 6 hours. All results, regardless of if you are offered a spot, will be sent via written notification within 7 business days of the lottery completion.
What happens to applications received after the application deadline?
Applications submitted after the application deadline will be placed at the bottom of the current wait list for each grade level.
Does Vision Charter School cost money to attend?
Vision Charter School is a public school and does not charge tuition.
Does Vision Charter School offer the school lunch?
Yes, Vision Charter school offers the federal free & reduced breakfast and lunch program. Go to for more information.
What is the focus of Vision Charter School?
Our mission is to create well-educated, respectful citizen leaders in a K-12 College Prep Science and Art focused school. Vision Charter School will implement and maintain the following key design elements including focus on Arts, Science, Character and Leadership Development, providing a small school environment, music training, second language exposure and opportunities, and an enriched curriculum for all students and at the high school level, advanced or college credit level courses will be available for all core subjects. Find out more
Can you tell me about Vision Charter School Academic Achievements?
Vision Charter School has earned the designation from the state of Idaho as a “Top Performer” for ranking in the top 10th percentile of the state on key performance indicators and “Goal Maker” for meeting and exceeding annual interim state progress targets. Go to to learn more about the school’s academic progress.
Do you offer extra-curricular activities or sports at the High School Level?
At the high school level, Vision Charter School offers a variety of extra-curricular activities, including E-sports, robotics, drama, musical and literary theater, National Honor Society, Student Government, yearbook, and sports. We offer competitive girls and boys basketball, volleyball, baseball, softball, and cross country. In addition, we offer intramural Tennis, Flag Football, and Spirit Squad. In the area of music, we offer choir, band, orchestra, jazz band, and pep band.
Does Vision Charter School offer college credits during High School?
Vision Charter students earned an average of 54 college credits during their high school years, with 30% of the class of 2024 graduating with either a one-year Academic Certificate or a two-year Associate’s Degree from CWI. Our school offers over 70 college credits.
Eligible students have the opportunity to earn two years’ worth of college credits by the time they graduate using Advanced Opportunities*. It is definitely challenging work to achieve a one-year or two-year college degree or CTE certification while in high school; however, Vision Charter works to remove barriers to help students achieve their dreams and to make the pathway achievable.
Applications are due Friday, April 4, 2025 at 4PM. Apply here.
We are a FREE K-12 college-preparatory science and art school where high school students can earn college credits without ever leaving the campus. Thanks to our accelerated curriculum, eligible students can graduate from high school with the equivalent of two years of college completed using Idaho's Advanced Opportunities Funds**!!!!
We emphasize science, art, music, character and leadership education, safe & small school culture, advanced curriculum, and study in a second language. We begin accelerating our students in our FREE full day kindergarten program.
Vision Charter School will hold its lottery for enrollment for the 2025-2026 school year beginning at 9:00AM on Friday, April 11, 2025, located in room 130 at 19291 Ward Road, Caldwell, Idaho 83605. Electronic applications may be found here.
Completed electronic applications must be submitted by Friday, April 4, 2025, at 4PM. Applications submitted after Friday, April 4, 2025 at 4PM will be placed into the lottery for the following year and at the bottom of the waitlist for each grade level in the order in which they are received.
All prospective students will be given the opportunity to enroll in Vision Charter School, regardless of race, color, national origin, ethnicity, religion, gender, social or economic status, or special needs.
VISION CHARTER SCHOOL ahora acepta solicitudes de inscripción para el año escolar 2025-2026.
Vision Charter School realizará su lotería de inscripción para el comienzo del año escolar 2025-2026 a las 9:00AM del viernes 11 de abril de 2025, ubicado en la sala 130 en 19291 Ward Road, Caldwell, Idaho- 83605. Las solicitudes electrónicas se pueden encontrar aquí.
Las solicitudes electrónicas completas deben enviarse antes del viernes 4 de abril de 2025 a las 4PM Solicitudes enviadas después del viernes 4 de abril de 2025 a las 4PM serán colocados en la lotería para el año siguiente y al final de la lista de espera para cada nivel de grado en el orden en que se reciban.
Todos los futuros estudiantes tendrán la oportunidad de inscribirse en la escuela pública autónoma GRATUITA, independientemente de su raza, color, origen nacional, etnia, religión, género, condición social o económica o necesidades especiales.
Parents will receive written notification within seven business days after the lottery, informing them about whether their child secured a spot at Vision Charter for the 2025-2026 school year or their position on the waitlist.