Help us help you! Following the procedures outlined here will keep our students safe and the line moving. Thank you!
Drop Off
- Please enter the campus by the Varsity Gym off Brush Creek Ave
- Slowly proceed forward following the direction of staff members to a stopping point where you can safely let your student(s) exit your vehicle
- Students will only be unloaded from the right hand lane next to the sidewalk. The outer lane is for cars exiting the line
- Please do not exit your vehicle while in line. If you need to leave your vehicle to help your student please park in the visitor parking lot in the front of the school
- Once your student has exited your vehicle, safely merge into the driving lane and exit the campus via either of the 2 exit points
Pick Up
- Please have your student's pick up sign hanging from your rear view mirror.
- Form a line heading SOUTH on Ward Rd and wait to be released by a VCS staff member to enter onto the school campus.
- Once on campus, continue to move forward as directed; always stopping at the crosswalk located at the kid corral and waiting to be moved forward.
- The last name of students will be called, beginning with the car in front and staff will guide students to their vehicles. Students will only be loaded in the right hand lane next to the sidewalk. The outer lane beyond the kid corral is for those cars exiting the line only.
- DO NOT cut in front of someone who is respectfully leaving space for the subdivision entrance. If you are headed North on Ward you will need to turn around on SkyWay Road to get into the South facing line.
- If you are picking up a Middle School or High School aged student, please wait to get into line until 5 minutes after your oldest student's release time. This allows our younger students to load and leave before your child is released. Coming earlier only causes you to slow down the line.
If you prefer to pick up your child and not wait in line, you may park in either parking lot and use designated crosswalks to walk to the VCS staff member wearing a BLUE vest near the flag pole. The line will form to the right of the staff member by the concrete bench. You MUST wait in line and show your ID. Your child will then be released to your care and you may escort them to your vehicle using designated crosswalks.
Sixth through twelfth grade students may properly cross at designated cross walks to their parents in a parked car after school. They are also welcome to pick up their younger siblings from the kid corral at the flagpole and walk them to the parking lot.
Sixth through twelfth grade students may properly cross at designated cross walks to their parents in a parked car after school. They are also welcome to pick up their younger siblings from the kid corral at the flagpole and walk them to the parking lot.